Freedom of association


No Extradition to Poland?

The Supreme Court of the European Union needs to decide whether to extradite suspects within the EU if the countries seeking extradition are drifting away from democracy

Informational Self-Determination of Europe and Its Importance

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation is an attempt to shift the paradigm and revise the 'social contract' of private companies and individuals defined as 'privacy in exchange for comfort and free services.'

“The Sofia Declaration”: Transborder Corruption Investigations and Collaboration with European Prosecutors

Most corruption investigations that require exchange of international legal assistance between countries fail or take decades. NGOs and prosecutors discussed reasons and solutions for such situations.

Veiled Extremism

One year after the ban on Jehowa’s Witnesses in Russia individual members are facing criminal prosecutions, with some of them detained

Lawyers in the “Prisoners of Sheremetyevo” case appeared before the European Court’s Grand Chamber

The ECHR’s judgment in favor of the four applicants who had to stay in the airport’s transit zone for five to twenty-three months to be reviewed.

The Right to Abortion is a Right to Social Justice

As Ireland votes in a referendum, Legal Dialogue talks to Rebecca Gomperts, a medical doctor and human rights activist who has shifted the discussion on abortion rights not only in Ireland.

Black Friday for the Secular State

One part of the Polish society is trying to liberalize the abortion law, one of the most restrictive in Europe, while the other part, headed by the Polish Catholic church, insists on restrict it even more and make any abortion illegal.

The Blacklist

The Russian State Duma aims at to block websites containing false and defamatory information. Human rights defenders warn that its initiative could become an instrument of censorship.

Helen Darbishire: “Right of access to information is one of the instruments to defend democracy”

Access Info Europe defends and promotes the right to know on the European continent. We met with them in Madrid to find out what has changed in field of access to information since 2006.

Prisoner No. 7

Seventy years after Raoul Wallenberg's disappearance in the Lubyanka prison, his family is suing the FSB for access to prison archives.

Nani Jansen Reventlow: “Time to fight back for our digital rights”

All over Europe, digital rights are under attack, and numerous organizations are already advocating and going to court to protect human rights in the digital sphere. To facilitate collaboration between digital rights actors and provide funds for strategic litigation for that cause, Digital Freedom Fund was established in Berlin.

Dissolved for international solidarity

"Foreign agents" law now enforced against Russian trade unions.