Darya Bobrovskaya

Darya Bobrovskaya is a lawyer. Since January 2017, Darya has been a consultant on political asylum issues. A graduate of the Free University of Berlin, together with MGIMO and the University of Wismar, Darya specialises in Economic and Administrative Law of Germany. In 2019, Darya completed the Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Certified Program at the University of Frankfurt (Oder). Currently, she is working on her dissertation on migration and humanitarian law issues at the Free University of Berlin.


Is Germany Encouraging Migrants in Skilled Labour?

On 1 March 2020, a new Skilled Immigration Act will come into force in Germany. This law, like other, has contributed to migration intentions in Eastern Europe. However, a careful study of the changes introduced by the new law reveals that not all dreams of easy immigration and getting employment in Germany will come true. Who will find it easier to immigrate and find employment in Germany? What are the requirements set forth in the new law on immigration of skilled workers? These are just the questions we set out to answer.